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Unit Test Hands-on Workshop

Categories Test & Quality Assurance , Hands-on Workshops

General Information
2 Days

Hands-on training explaining the techniques and best practices required to provide a safety net with unit tests. 

This unit test hands-on training takes a practice-oriented approach and explores the techniques and best practices required to provide a safety net for existing applications. Half of the training consists of applied exercises on a consistent topic and offers learners insight into all aspects of unit testing based on specific exercises.

  • Understanding unit tests
  • Identifying the tools used
Test-first approach
  • Test Driven Development (TDD)
  • Behavior Driven Development (BDD)
Dealing with dependencies
  • Test doubles/mocks
  • Dependency injection
Unit tests in a legacy environment
  • Legacy code
  • Code coverage
  • Clean code
  • Refactoring
  • Golden Master

To make the implementation of unit tests as smooth as possible, trainers will adapt exercises to a learner’s programming language. Additionally, learners receive a selection of tools adapted to their organization.

Following the workshop, coaching days are available. The trainer will focus on specific challenges a learner may face when implementing workshop content in everyday life.

Target audience
  • Developers
  • Testers

Experience in software development.

Further information

All materials are offered digitally. Copies of any relevant standards must be provided by the learner.

For the training exercises a laptop is necessary. Trainers and learners will work together to define the development environment.

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