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Git – Hands-on Workshop for Distributed Version Management

Categories Hands-on Workshops

General Information
2 Days

Learn more about Git, which can help support file monitoring in software, in this hands-on workshop led by UL Solutions experts.

This hands-on workshop introduces Git, a version control system, which can help support file monitoring in software. Experienced trainers teach the use of Git and code review solutions, such as Gerrit, GitHub Enterprise or TFS, and offer guidance surrounding tool selection.

The workshop covers all phases of development, from check-in and code review linked to a continuous integration system to release and life cycle management. Practical knowledge transfer allows learners to work with trainers to develop a workflow tailored to individual needs.



  • Basic version management.
  • Understanding software history.
  • How to create development lines (branches) and versions (tags).
  • Integration strategies (merge vs. rebase) to merge diverging development lines.
  • Synchronization with other repositories (push, pull).
  • Best practices for more efficient development processes with Git.

Code review with Gerrit

  • Goals and basics of code review.
  • Deliver code for review.
  • How to incorporate code review comments.
  • How to solve conflicts.
  • Best practices.

Code Review with GitHub Enterprise or Microsoft TFS.

  • Structuring teams and organizations.
  • Collaboration workflows (fork & branch, pull requests).
  • Resynchronization with progressive development.
  • Code review with tool support.
  • How to solve conflicts.

Following the workshop, coaching days are available. The trainer will focus on specific challenges a learner may face when implementing workshop content in everyday life.

Target audience

Software developers and integrators


None required

Further information

All materials are offered digitally.


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