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Carl Zeiss

The Carl Zeiss Medical Software GmbH (CZMS GmbH), a subsidiary of the Carl Zeiss Meditec AG, specializes in the development of medical software solutions. This Munich-based subsidiary provides the Carl Zeiss Meditec AG with the re-sources and know-how necessary for providing its customers in future with cross-platform software solutions in the areas of ophthalmology and neurosur-gery, among other fields.

The Method Park Engineering GmbH assisted the CZMS GmbH by providing trained personnel to carry out quality assurance measures for the developed software. These measures focused on planning and carrying out system tests on a high-tech device in the area of neurosurgery. With this work, Method Park played a key role in ensuring that the high quality demands were observed.

Falk Hartwig

Director Location Munich
Carl Zeiss Meditec AG



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Alexandra Hübner

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