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Vyaire Medical GmbH

Headquartered near Chicago, IL., Vyaire Medical - a global company dedicated to respiratory care — enables, improves, and extends lives with an unyielding focus on improving patient outcomes and increasing value for customers. The company was formed in October 2016 to serve healthcare providers with innovative devices and service solutions across the respiratory and anesthesia continua of care. Vyaire’s legacy brands have a 65-year track record of pioneering and advancing respiratory diagnostics, ventilation, and anesthesia delivery & monitoring. From original brands including Bird, Bear, and JAEGER to industry leaders AirLife™, Vital Signs™, Viasys, and many others — Vyaire Medical is recognized, trusted, and preferred by specialists in respiratory and anesthesiology healthcare worldwide.

Method Park Engineering GmbH has supported us for several years with the realization of various software projects in pulmonary function diagnostics, including the development and maintenance of a central web service for the management of complex clinical data and web applications based on it. With their extensive expertise in modern development methods, tools, and processes, Method Park engineers ensure a high-quality standard of the developed software. The use of proven agile methods such as continuous integration and comprehensive automated testing at all levels paves the way for the regular and timely delivery of all software artifacts.

Armin Burger

Director Research & Development, Vyaire Medical GmbH



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Alexandra Hübner

+49 9131 97206-432 Contact
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